Monday, August 30, 2010

Wiz Khalifa-T.G.O.D.

Okay, so I recently ran upon this new artist that I had never seen before: Wiz Khalifa. Now, I know he has a swagger that screams grown man, but his audience base is that of the teen  and young adults. Pitsburg originating, the artist shows his home roots in his lyric style, sense of style, and sense of humor.
    In his music he mentions "T.G.O.D" a lot, and I, like many others, was like: What the heck is that? What does that stand for? T.G.O.D. stands for  Taylor Gang Or Die. This is a group Khalifa started with some friends circling around the fact that they all wear Chuck Taylors all the time; so, they called themselves the Taylor Gang. This is NOT a gang like the Bloods or Krypts, but just a group for people who love Chuck Taylors, like me!!
   I believe  Deal or No Deal is his most recent album out for this year, but I suggest looking for some of his older music. And I hope you enjoy the newly signed to Atlantic Records artist music as much as I do!